Scientific Conferences
We aim For a Greener, Safer, Cleaner and Healthier Iraqi Environment for the benefit of all
Scientific Conferences
The First conference proceeding book , was very successful and widely distributed inside and outside iraq and a copy kept at Oxford University Library, Cambridge University Library, British Library, and other main British libraries.
Desertification in Iraq: Water Scarcity and Climate change at UCL in London, UK
Sunday 11th November 2018
Oil and Gas Industry in Iraq: Challenges and Opportunities at UCL, London
Sunday 28th July 2018
Degradation of the Environment in Iraq: Impact on Public Health at UCL London
Sunday 18th February 2018
Environmental Pollution in Iraq: Challenges and Remedies at UCL in London
Saturday 8th July 2017
Environmental Pollution in Iraq: Causes, Effects & Solutions” at UCL in London
Sunday 26th June 2016
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